Welcome to Hotel Natraj , Pachmarhi , India

Hotel Natraj is a perfect destination for all types of tourists seeking comfortable accommodation. The hotel is located in a serene locale and is within easy reach from the major tourist attractions of Pachmarhi. The hotel caters to business travellers and leisure tourists and provides them the finest amenities. The warm hospitality, excellent services and modern amenities provides a pleasurable ambience for the guests to enjoy, relax and mix business with pleasure. 

Hotel Nataraj is, undoubtedly, a perfect home away from home. The hotel has great Pure Veg restaurant with expert cooks to cater to your every need. For the corporate customers Natraj also has conference & event halls available for entertaining up to 30 guests per sitting. 

It boasts of great ambience, chic interiors and modern facilities. The hotel offers luxurious accommodation units and warm international standards of hospitality services to travellers on a visit to the Pachmarhi which is well be arranged.